
Biblia Didajé : texto oficial de la Conferencia Episcopal Española, con comentarios del catecismo de la Iglesia católica (8422018632)

La Biblia Didajé presenta extensos comentarios, basado en el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, para cada libro de la sagrada Escritura. La Biblia Didajé también incluye numerosas explicaciones apologéticas para ayudar el lector a captar la enseñanza de la Iglesia sobre temas de actualidad. Tiene los mismos comentarios, traducidos en español, que se encuentran en las edición de la Biblia Didajé en inglés. La publicación de la Biblia Didajé realiza el deseo de san Juan Pablo II expresado en su constitución apostólica Fidei depositum: «El Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica... es una exposición de la fe de la Iglesia y de la doctrina católica, comprobada o iluminada por la sagrada Escritura, la Tradición apostólica y el Magisterio de la Iglesia. Yo lo considero un instrumento válido y legítimo al servicio de la comunión eclesial, y una regla segura para la enseñanza de la fe (n. IV)». La Biblia Didajé es un recurso valioso para estudiantes y para los que participan en estudios sobre la sag...

Healthy Eating for Pre Teens and Teens : The Ultimate Guide to Diet Nutrition and Food (0143017209)

Healthy Eating for Preteens and Teens is a practical family guide that covers every aspect of essential nutrition to help raise healthy teens. In a super-size-me world, Leslie Beck provides strategies for making healthy food choices and establishing good eating habits for life. Healthy Eating for Preteens and Teens includes: How to determine a healthy body weight All the facts on carbohydrates, protein, fat, water, and other fluids Making healthy food choices when eating at home and school, and in restaurants and food courts Nutrition advice for vegetarian teens Weight control strategies for teens Nutrition advice for sports Understanding and dealing with eating disorders Over 60 healthy recipes for breakfasts, school lunches, dinners on the fly, and snacks Product details Format ...

The Cold Start Problem : How to Start and Scale Network Effects (9780062969743)

A startup executive and investor draws on expertise developed at the premier venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz and as an executive at Uber to address how tech's most successful products have solved the dreaded "cold start problem"--by leveraging network effects to launch and scale toward billions of users. Although software has become easier to build, launching and scaling new products and services remains difficult. Startups face daunting challenges entering the technology ecosystem, including stiff competition, copycats, and ineffective marketing channels. Teams launching new products must consider the advantages of "the network effect," where a product or service's value increases as more users engage with it. Apple, Google, Microsoft, and other tech giants utilize network effects, and most tech products incorporate them, whether they're messaging apps, workplace collaboration tools, or marketplaces. Network effects provide a path for fledgli...

Echt krank! (3423715499)

Das Chaos geht weiter »Eins sag ich dir gleich: Das hier ist nichts für schwache Nerven! Es ist der absolute Horror! Der nackte Wahnsinn! Die Hölle!« So sieht das jedenfalls Jan, als er mit Gipsbein im Uniklinikum landet - in einem MÄDCHENzimmer mit DREI Zicken! Der einzige Lichtblick in dem Inferno: Dank eines Irrtums der Rettungs sanitäter verfügt Jan plötzlich über ein iPhone - wer auch immer vor ihm in dem Rettungswagen lag und es dort verloren hat. Jan hat die fatale Idee, anstelle des Unbekannten munter auf die eingehenden Nachrichten zu antworten, mit katastrophalen Folgen: Unversehens wird er zum (erfolglosen) Börsenspekulanten, (wortkargen) Werbetexter, (treulosen) Liebhaber...Echt krank! Product details For ages 11+ ...

Der Kirchendieb (3423716193)

Ein Abenteuer aus dem Mittelalter Köln, 1445: Die zehnjährige Johanna riskiert viel, um lesen und schreiben zu lernen. Nur nachts bleibt ihr dafür Zeit, tagsüber schuftet sie als Magd bei einem Kaufmann. Klare Sache, dass sie ihre nächtlichen Aktivitäten verheimlichen muss. Doch als sie im Dom eine Kerze »ausleihen« will, um lesen zu üben, überrascht sie einen echten Dieb - ausgerechnet den Lehrer des Kaufmannssohns. Jetzt sitzt Johanna richtig in der Patsche. Product details For ages 9+ Format Paperback | 123 pages ...

Essence of Shibari : Kinbaku and Japanese Rope Bondage (1942733852)

The art of kinbaku, also known as shibari, is an elegant way to connect with a partner or add erotic spice in your life. Japanese-style bondage artist Shin Nawakiri shares his safe, sexy, and beautiful techniques in this newly-translated book, which contains numerous ties for the beginner artist and for intermediate or advanced players, including: sensual body wrapping without knots, binding one wrist or body column, body harnesses, futomomo (thigh ties), and takate kote (chest and arm binding). Explore the history of kinbaku, practical shibari for graceful and steamy play, the psychology of bondage (for those tying and those being bound), and more. Now is your time to enjoy this delicious form--learning from a renowned rope artist in the privacy of your home. Product details Format ...

Focus (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series) (9781633696587)

The importance of achieving focus goes well beyond your own productivity. Deep focus allows you to lead others successfully, find clarity amid uncertainty, and heighten your sense of professional fulfillment. Yet the forces that challenge sustained focus range from dinging phones to office politics to life's everyday worries. This book explains how to strengthen your ability to focus, manage your team's attention, and break the cycle of distraction. This volume includes the work of: Daniel Goleman Heidi Grant Amy Jen Su Rasmus Hougaard HOW TO BE HUMAN AT WORK. The HBR Emotional Intelligence Series features smart, essential reading on the human side of professional life from the pages of Harvard Business Review. Each book in the series offers proven research showing how our emotions impact our work lives, practical advice for managing difficult people and situations, and inspiring essays on what it means to tend to our emotional well-being at work. Uplifting and practical, t...