
Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2022

Negotiating Boundaries? Identities, Sexualities, Diversities (9781847182739)

Negotiating Boundaries: Identities, Sexualities, Diversities is a collection of essays by contributors from-and/or on-societies across the world: Boznia-Herzogovinia, Croatia, France, Iran, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, South and West Africa, the UK and the USA. They are from a range of academic disciples-English Literature, Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, Literary and Cultural Studies, Modern Languages, Religious Studies, Social Anthropology, Social Policy, Sociology and Theology. This level of diversity has resulted in the most wide-ranging volume ever published in the social sciences and humanities around the concept of "Boundaries". The book is at the cutting edge of intellectual thinking on personal and social "boundaries" applied to such areas as: Art, Genocidal Rape, Identities, God/Godde, Lesbianism, Literature, Men in "Women's Professions", Muslim women in Muslim and non-Muslim countries, Nationalism and Symbolism, Poetry, Religion...

State of the Parties 2022 : The Changing Role of American Political Parties (9781538164853)

The State of the Parties 2022 brings together leading scholars of parties, elections, and interest groups to provide an indispensable overview of American political parties today. The 2020 presidential election was extraordinary. What role did political parties play in these events? How did the party organizations fare? What are the implications for the future? Scholars and practitioners from throughout the United States explore the current state of American party organizations, constituencies and resources at the national, state and local level. Product details Format Paperback | 328 pages Dim...

Thats What the Old Ones Say : Pre-Colonial Revelations of God to Native America (1517397898)

"That's What The Old Ones Say" Pre-Colonial Revelations of God to Native America. A revealing book of intriguing stories told by elders from different First Nations Tribes about The Creator, His Son, Native End-Times Prophecies, Revelations & more.Many of these traditional stories have been told for generations at Ceremonial Grounds, Stomp Arbors, Powwow Grounds, and private family gatherings tucked away deep on tribal lands. I was honored and humbled to be able to sit and learn these old stories from elders hailing from many First Nations tribes. Comanche, Dineh, Apache, Anishinabe, Aztec, Cherokee, Creek, Cheyenne, Lakota, and Mohawk are a few of the tribes whose elders shared their beautiful stories with me. I listened eagerly to these accounts that were passed down from generation to generation while understanding filled my spirit and I was asked to pass these stories along to the next generation. These are stories that were told before missionary contact and I re...

Avatar: The Last Airbender: The Art Of The Animated Series (1595825045)

Since its debut in 2005, Avatar: The Last Airbender has remained one of Nickelodeon's most talked about and highest-rated animated series to date, and it's not too hard to see why... Not only does it offer an epic storyline, engaging characters, action, adventure, and a powerful message about the importance of hope in a world long-besieged by war, all the while serving up top-notch entertainment. It's also beautifully executed, a stunning masterpiece of animated storytelling that harmonizes Western influences with aesthetic inspiration drawn from a diverse array of cultures, including those of China, Japan, India, and the Inuit. An unprecedented look at the concept, design, and production art behind this smash-hit series, Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Art of the Animated Series chronicles the show's development -- from the very first sketch through to the series finale and beyond! -- along with behind-the-scenes commentary from series creators Bryan Konietzko and M...

Die Rockefellers : Ein amerikanischer Albtraum (394195637X)

"Die Rockefellers - ein amerikanische Albtraum" Gegner von Verschwörungstheorien haben in Diskussionen mitunter leichtes Spiel, denn es liegt in der Natur des Begriffes, dass Verschwörungen "geheim" und deshalb nur schwer zu beweisen sind. Anders bei den Rockefellers, denn David Rockefeller gestand in seiner eigenen Biographie: "Einige glauben sogar, wir seien Teil einer geheimen Verschwörung, [...] und werfen uns vor, wir konspirierten mit anderen auf der ganzen Welt, um eine neue ganzheitliche globale politische und wirtschaftliche Struktur aufzubauen - eine neue Welt, wenn Sie so wollen. Wenn das die Anklage ist, bekenne ich mich gern schuldig und ich bin stolz darauf." Schwieriger wird es, derartige Verschwörungen auch im Detail nachzuweisen, denn die Öffentlichkeit hatte seit über hundert Jahren keine Möglichkeit mehr, die Macht dieser Familie zu beurteilen, da sie ihren Reichtum hinter einem riesigen Netzwerk aus Stiftungen, Banken, Investmentfirme...

Midnight at the Dragon Cafe (1582431892)

The life of a young Chinese girl is torn apart by dark family secrets and divided loyalties in a small Ontario town in the 1950s. Judy Fong Bates's fresh and engaging first novel is the story of Su-Jen Chou, a Chinese girl growing up the only daughter of an unhappy and isolated immigrant family in a small Ontario town in the 1950s. Through Su-Jen's eyes we see the hard life behind the scenes at the Dragon Caf, the local diner her family runs. Her half-brother Lee-Kung smolders under the responsibilities he must carry as the dutiful Chinese son. Her mother, beautiful but bitter, lays her hopes and dreams on Su-Jen's shoulders, until she turns to find solace in the most forbidden of places, while Su-Jen's elderly father strives to hek fuh, swallow bitterness, and save face at all costs. Product details Format ...

Tief im Wald und unter der Erde (3442469554)

Es lebt tief im Wald. Es verfolgt dich. Und es tötet ... Eine einsame Bahnschranke im Wald, dunkle Nacht. Seit an diesem Ort vier ihrer Freunde bei einem mysteriösen Unfall ums Leben kamen, wird Melanie von panischer Angst ergriffen, wenn sie hier nachts anhalten muss. Denn jedes Mal scheint es ihr, als krieche eine dunkle, schemenhafte Gestalt vom Waldrand auf ihren Wagen zu. Niemand glaubt ihr - bis die junge Jasmin Dreyer verschwindet, und ihr Fahrrad an der Bahnschranke gefunden wird ... Ein genialer, abgründiger Psychothriller. Ein psychopathischer Killer, eine verschwundene Frau und ein Versteck tief im Wald ... Product details Format Paperback | 416 pages ...

Die Geburt der mediterranen Welt (3406713696)

Seit der Frühzeit des Menschen hat das Mittelmeer die Welt unserer Vorfahren nachhaltig geprägt. Der Archäologe Cyprian Broodbank entwirft ein grandioses historisches Panorama dieses Meeres - von den Tagen der ersten Begegnung der Hominiden mit dem neuen Lebensraum vor 1,5 Millionen Jahren bis zum Beginn der Klassischen Antike. Cyprian Broodbank führt uns an die Küsten des Mittelmeers und lässt die angrenzenden Kulturräume längst vergangener Epochen wieder lebendig werden. Gemeinsam mit ihm umrunden wir wieder und wieder das Mittelmeer und lernen die seit den Tagen der Jäger und Sammler aufblühenden Gesellschaften kennen. Wir begleiten die ersten Menschen, die sich bereits in Einbäumen auf die See wagten, besuchen Fischer, Bauern und Handwerker in ihren Dörfern und lernen die Machtzentren der Alten Welt kennen, deren Herrscher und Eliten Rohstoffe und andere Schätze aus "Übersee" begehrten. Wir erkennen das immer engmaschigere Netz der Hochkulturen, das sich nach und nach übe...

Bunny Mellon Style (9781423654926)

This fascinating story of an American style icon Bunny Mellon, an art collector and philanthropist with her husband Paul Mellon, reveals how her style developed and how she became a self-confident, hands-on designer of homes and gardens in a privileged world. "Everyone copies her, everyone references her, including me." --Tory Burch, from the Foreword. "To be blasé about Bunny Mellon should make you resign from whatever business you are in." --Billy Baldwin, from Billy Baldwin: An Autobiography. Bunny Mellon Style is the intimate story of one of the most unintentionally influential women of twentieth-century design. Learn how her style developed, take a look inside the family homes she designed, get the flavor of her collaborations with French designers of fashion and jewelry, and begin to understand her vast and lasting influence on the world of design. Original research by the authors uncovered Mrs. Mellon's personal writings and correspondences. They talked w...

Street Smart Chess (9781784831219)

Street Smart Chess is an expert guide to scoring more points at the chessboard. When does it pay off to play hard for a win? Or safe for a draw? And how do you adapt your playing style accordingly? GM Axel Smith answers these questions, and more, by using a world-class player as a model for each chapter. Learn how Magnus Carlsen grinds out wins from level positions; how David Navara beats lower-rated opponents, and how Baskaran Adhiban beats higher-rated ones! Or serve-and-volley in the opening like Peter Heine Nielsen. Playing well is a good start in chess, but you also need to be Street Smart. Product details Format Paperback | 248 pages ...

New Bracelets: 400+ Contemporary Jewellery Designs (9788417412500)

New Bracelets showcases more than 400 bracelets by 200 jewellers, selected from a pool of artists from across the world. This new title by Nicolas Estrada confirms that contemporary jewellery is flourishing: readers will be surprised and delighted with the freshness, diversity, and colourfulness of the many different styles in this collection. It incorporates jewellery designs in a wide variety of materials and approaches, including classic gold, silver, and precious stones, as well as paper, wood, plastic, and resins. This comprehensive selection puts its finger on the pulse of what is happening in the world of jewellery artists right now. It is part of our ongoing series on contemporary jewellery. New Bracelets includes prefaces by Barbara Schmidt and Helen Britton. Product details Format ...